About the Journal

Shahidihub International Journal of Theology & Religious Studies ISSN (Online): 2788-967X is a monthly, double-blind, peer-reviewed, unrestricted access journal, published by ShahidiHub Publishing in Kenya, East Africa. The journal publishes original and recent scholarly research, of both empirical and theoretical nature.

Scope of the Journal

The journal publishes original scholarly works covering all areas of Theology and Religions studies (involving: Exegetical Theology, Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, Practical Theology, Political Theology, Ecological Theology, Hermeneutics, African Christian Theology, African Church History, Church History, Theology & Culture, Theology & Development, World Christianity, Intercultural/Missions & Church Planting Studies, Pastoral Studies, and Translation Studies, Comparative Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Christian Ethics.


You are greatly welcomed to submit an article in any of these areas. You can find further guidelines on the Submission Page.