ShahidiHub International Journal of Business, Economics & Development Studies 2023-06-21T02:38:52-04:00 Open Journal Systems <p>ShahidiHub International Journal of Business Studies, Economics &amp; Development Studies: The journal is a monthly, double-blind, peer-reviews, unrestricted access, published by “ShahidiHub Publishing” in Kenya, East Africa. The journal publishes original and recent scholarly research, of both empirical and theoretical nature.<br /><br /><strong>Areas/ Fields<br /></strong>Management, Administration, Leadership, Project Management, Strategic Management, Human Resource, Procurement &amp; Logistics, Investment, Business Information Technology, Hospitality, Entrepreneurship, Development, Accounting, Finance, Economics, and Marketing.</p> Risk Prevention and Management in Public Investment Projects: A Case of Teturi Road And Bridge Construction Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo 2023-05-24T06:34:47-04:00 Mumbere Kituku Roger <p>Anticipating and knowing how to manage risks spares an organisation or project from disasters and dangers, loss of productivity and increased administrative burdens, and unfortunate legal disputes. The study examined the prevention and risk management of the collapsed 50m-long Teturi bridge construction project on the Mambasa road, an agricultural service road and an economic lifeline in Ituri province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Although the collapse of the Teturi Bridge disappointed many people, fewer were interested in knowing the real causes of the collapse. This work further discusses the consequences of a lack or poor assessment of risks and uncertainties in the design and execution of public investment projects. To obtain the necessary information, those responsible for the execution of the project were interviewed. The study found that the committee responsible for the execution of the project did not take sufficient time to prevent and thoroughly assess the possible risks that confronted the project. There was also no intentionality in coming up with mitigating measures for possible risk. The study also makes relevant recommendations on public investment projects’ risk prevention and management.</p> 2023-05-24T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Effect of Teacher Motivation on Secondary Schools’ Performance in Selected Schools in Kirinyaga County 2023-06-15T02:53:35-04:00 Justus Njoroge Gicheha Beatrice Warue Godfrey Tshibangu Mwamba <p>Effective and strategic leadership involves giving an organization a competitive advantage. Any organization that maintains its competitive advantage requires leadership that analyzes the environment, creates vision, and harnesses available resources to achieve its objectives effectively and efficiently in teacher motivation. If this is not done well, it affects the school system and teachers’ motivation, influencing student learning and overall school performance. This study examined the effect of teacher motivation on school performance in selected schools in Kirinyaga County. The population under research was 542 subjects, with a target of 160 subjects. A questionnaire was used for data collection, and the statistical tool used for quantitative analysis was Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 for Windows. Teacher motivation significantly affected school performance in the selected schools in Kirinyaga County. A comparative analysis of the results indicated that Extra County schools had a more positive influence than Sub County schools in Kirinyaga County. It would be necessary for future researchers to establish other factors that affect school performance that were not captured in the study.</p> 2023-06-15T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Leadership Factors Influencing Girl Child Empowerment: A Case of Cara Projects in Kajiado West Sub County 2023-06-17T17:26:59-04:00 Edwina Jeruto Kwallah <p>The study focuses on girl child empowerment in Cara projects in Kajiado County. The research examined how culture, organisational resources, organisational structures, and leadership styles influence the empowerment of the girl child in Cara Projects, Kajiado County. The study used a correlational research design and targeted concerned mentors and 45 girls as respondents. Data were collected using questionnaires, tabulated using frequency and percentages and presented through tables and charts according to the research questions. The study established that organisation resources, organisational culture, organisational structure, and leadership style represent 53.3% of factors influencing girl child empowerment at the Cara project. The study established that all four variables were significant to girl child empowerment. Organisational resources and leadership styles were positively and statistically significant to girl child empowerment at the Cara project. At the same time, organisational culture and structure were positive but not statistically significant to girl child empowerment</p> 2023-06-16T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2023 The Role of Human Resource Management in Employee Retirement Preparedness in Selected Private Schools in Nairobi County 2023-06-21T02:38:52-04:00 Catherine Mwikali Munyaka, Lucy M. Kinyua, and Jane Muriithi <p>At the end of an employee’s active working life, a formal disengagement from employment is expected, normally referred to as retirement. On the one hand, retirement is one of the most financially significant decisions a person makes during their lifetime, as it typically marks the end of employment earnings and the commencement of the drawdown of retirement reserves accumulated over an employee’s career. On the other hand, retirement has valuable nonfinancial benefits such as relief from the strain of working and the opportunity to spend more time with family or participate in leisure activities. For one to enjoy this period, retirement preparedness is key. Retirement preparedness results from retirement planning, which should start when an employee enters employment. The well-being of retirees, therefore, mirrors to a large extent the employee’s level of retirement preparedness during their time of employment. This study sought to understand the role of human resource management in employee retirement preparedness in selected private schools in Nairobi County. Its purpose is to enrich human resource management as a practice for handling and preparing employees for retirement. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study indicated that career development strategies, job characteristics model, retirement policies and employee separation process were significant predictor variables of employee retirement preparedness in the selected private schools in Nairobi County.</p> 2023-06-20T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2023