ShahidiHub International Journal of Theology & Religious Studies: Announcements <p>ShahidiHub International Journal of Theology &amp; Religious Studies- <strong>ISSN (Online Version): 2788-967X</strong> is a monthly, double-blind, peer-reviewed, unrestricted access journal, published by “ShahidiHub Publishing” in Kenya, East Africa. The journal publishes original and recent scholarly research, of both empirical and theoretical nature.<br /><br /><strong>Areas / Fields<br /></strong>Exegetical Theology, Biblical Studies, Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, Practical Theology, Political Theology, Ecological Theology, Hermeneutics, African Christian Theology, African Church History, Church History, Theology &amp; Culture, Theology &amp; Development, World Christianity, Intercultural/Missions &amp; Church Planting Studies, Pastoral Studies, and Translation Studies, Comparative Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Christian Ethics.</p> en-US Tue, 29 Jun 2021 12:40:42 -0400 OJS 60